University of Panels
Dr. Rorschach Hound's go-to guide for comic books, graphic novels, and anyhthing comic or nerd related...

15: Catwoman
(Selina Kyle)
I know what many of you are thinking, "How can you consider Catwoman a superhero?! She's a cat-burglar that steals diamonds and jewels from Gotham City's skyline towers!"
Well in my eyes, she's not necessarily a villain, so much as she is an antihero. See unlike most of Batman's rogues gallery, Catwoman is not a homicidal maniac, and she only steals from the elite and wealthy as she herself has lived in poverty. As such, Batman has given her more of a stay of execution than he does for other criminals, giving her opportunities to reform her ways. While Selina Kyle still does stick to her theiving habits, she has evolved into somewhat of an antihero, as she frequently acts as an ally for the dark knight, helping him combat the real criminal scum of Gotham City. I also love the romance the two establish in the epic HUSH storyline, as Batman has been for years, hiding a lonely and broken heart, and Catwoman lively demanor has helped fill in that space. Although the dark knight still hold suspicions towards her, we can guarantee that this cat knows that their relationship works because of who they are as individuals.