University of Panels
Dr. Rorschach Hound's go-to guide for comic books, graphic novels, and anyhthing comic or nerd related...

18: Michonne
This woman is just bada**!!!
Michonne is a mysterious introvert who keeps to herself most of the time. For a while this charater was an enigma, casually roaming the zombie infested wastelands while wielding a katanna and using two pet walkers to hide her scent. While tough as nails, the reader could always tell that Michonne was hiding something about her true nature, and that it was somehow connected to events that took place earlier in before or after the apocalypse. Despite her stern personality and rough exterior, Michonne has a strong sense of moral rightousness, and will strike at anyone who she percieves as a threat to both the her own safety, and that of her friends. After spending time with Rick's group of survivors however, she has become more open to conveying her feelings and trusting others, becoming a pivitol member of the group. She is truly an individual you want on your side when surrounded by zombies!