University of Panels
Dr. Rorschach Hound's go-to guide for comic books, graphic novels, and anyhthing comic or nerd related...

11: Commissioner Jim Gordon
Though technically not an actual superhero, Commissioner James Gordon gets this spot primarily for the massive pressence he has had in the dark knight's mythos! Gordon had originally joined the GCPD as a sergant during the era of Carmine "The Roman" Falcone, who was able to spread his corruption to even Gotham's finest. With cops like Flass taking bribes from drug dealers, and Commissioner Loeb being personal friends with the Roman himself, Gordon made it his goal to not only eliminate crime in Gotham City, but the corruption in the police department as well. While he doesn't neccessarily approve of Batman's vigilante methods, he acknowledges that the dark knight has made Gotham a safer place. Since becoming commissoner of the GCPD he has formed an alliance with the caped crusader in order to take the city back from the criminal scum who believe that they are untouchable.